Nurture Programme

Linear Algebra Reading Seminar - This is a reading seminar involving all the research assistants of the Centre conducting the projects mentioned below. The aim is work our way through basic linear algebra, as that is a necessary component of the other projects. The Seminar meets every Tuesday for about one and a half hours, and consists of presentations by the students. The seminar is being conducted by Dr. Amber Habib.

Students involved in this seminar and conducting the projects mentioned below are from across disciplines (including Mathematics, Economics and Physics) and across classes, ranging from first year to masters students. Projects Currently Underway:

Group Theory - Groups are extremely important and beautiful mathematical objects that arose historically with problems in algebra. They have found numerous applications in disciplines ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Biology, architecture to several areas within mathematics.

This project on Group Theory will look at the concept of "Group Actions". In particular, it will explore the connection between

The project is envisaged as leading to learning of group theory and its connections with other areas. Some ideas leading to innovations may emerge during this project.

Advisors: Dr. Geetha Venkataraman and Dr. Radha Mohan

Econometrics - Econometrics is the application of statistical techniques to the estimation and analysis of models such as those connected with stock market behaviour.

This project will try and study as well as apply statistical techniques to develop certain models from the real world.

The application will be based on the collection of data, estimation of a model using a software package and the analysis of results.

Advisors:  Mr. Anurag Malhotra, Mr. N. Raghunathan, Mr. S. Grewal

Optimization - Optimisation is concerned with the study and development of algorithmic techniques for solving maximisation and minimisation problems drawn from the real world. Illutrations include: allocation of financial resources in an organisation or deployment of resources for various purposes in diverse situations.

We are likely to pick on a real project drawn from the corporate world.

Advisors: Mr. S. Grewal, Mr. N. Raghunathan, Mr. A. Malhotra, Dr. S. Agrawal and Dr. D. Singh.

Encryption - Encryption deals with the creation and deciphering of secret codes, which are used to transmit information and data by governments, corporate houses and even individuals in love! Codes like the RSA etc. are world famous and are used in several situations. They are based on very simple school level mathematics.

This project will require simple ideas from mathematics and plenty of common sense as well as brain storming to devise encryption methods.

Advisors: Dr. S. Agrawal, Dr. Geetha Venkataraman, Dr. D. Singh, Dr. Radha Mohan .

Image Recognition - This project deals with the interesting and practically useful area of getting computers to recognise images for various purposes. The need for this arises in any task to be performed by a computer where an image has to recognised such as ensuring that only authorised personnel enter restricted areas or in recognising handwriting etc.

Advisors: Dr. S. Agrawal, Dr. Geetha Venkataraman, Dr. D. Singh, Dr. Radha Mohan .


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