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Dr. Dinesh Singh
Professor of Mathematics
University of Delhi
Delhi 110 007

Adjunct Professor
Department of Mathematics
University of Houston

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Educational Qualifications:
1975 - B.A. (H) Mathematics - St. Stephen's College, University of Delhi
1977 - M.A. Mathematics - St. Stephen's College, University  of Delhi
1978 - M.Phil. Mathematics - University of Delhi
1981 - Ph.D., D.I.C. - Imperial College of Science Technology & Medicine

Research Interests:
Functional Analysis, Harmonic Analysis, Operators and Function Theory

Details of recent publications:

  1. On Wermer's Maximality Theorem
    (with V.I.Paulsen and S.Agrawal)
    To Appear
  2. The Spectrum in a Banach Algebra
    To Appear
  3. On Bohr's Inequality
    (With V.I.Paulsen and G Popescu)
    To Appear:Proc.London Math.Soc.
  4. A Helson-Lowdenslager-De Branges Theorem in L2
    (with V.I. Paulsen)
    Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,Vol. 129,No. 4,1097-1103,2000
  5. De Branges Modules in H2(Ck)   (with S. Agrawal)
    Harmonic Analysis and Hypergroups: Chief Ed. K.A. Ross
    Birkhauser Verlag 1998
  6. Differentiation of Operator Functions and Perturbation Bounds
    (Jointly with R.Bhatia and K.B.Sinha)
    Communications in Mathematical Physics 191,603-611,1998

Books published

  1. Wavelets and Allied Topics (Joint Editor), Narosa 2001
  2. Functional Analysis & Operator Theory
    Joint Editor
    Springer Verlag Lect. Notes in Math. Vol 1511, 1992
  3. Understanding Mathematics (with K. B. Sinha et al.)
    Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2000
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