ARITHMETIC OF FINITE FIELDS Fields A field is a set F with two binary operations (both associative and commutative), called 'addition' (+) and 'multiplication' (´) satisfying:
Some well-known examples of fields are the sets of rational numbers, real numbers and complex numbers. A field with a finite number of elements is called a finite field. Finite Fields The simplest example of finite fields is F2, which has only two elements (the ones guaranteed by the existence of identities). So F2 = {0,1}. Here
Similarly, for each prime p, the set Fp = {0,1,2,&,p-1}is a field where addition and multiplication are defined modulo p.
The easiest way of 'constructing' larger (finite) fields from a given small field F is by 'attaching' a root (b) of an irreducible polynomial over F. [The set of complex numbers is obtained this way by 'attaching' a root (i) of the polynomial x2 + 1 to the field of real numbers]. In fact all finite fields are constructed in this manner. It can be shown that the number of elements of a finite field is always some power of a prime power. Construction of a field with eight elements As an example we construct the field of order 8, GF(8), by attaching b, a root of the polynomial x3 + x + 1 over F2. Elements of GF(8) are polynomials over F2 in b of degree at most two:
We add or multiply elements of GF(8) as polynomials and then use b3 = - b - 1 (and hence b4 = - b2 - b ) and arithmetic of F2 to reduce the result to a polynomial of degree at most two. For example, in GF(8) which is the set {0,1,2,&,7}, 6 ´ 7 = (1,1,0) ´ (1,1,1) = (b2 + b) ´ (b2 + b+ 1) = b4 + b = - b2 = b2 = (1,0,0) = 4. Thus we have the following look-up tables:
The nonzero elements of a finite field always form a cyclic multiplicative group. Any generator is called a primitive element of the field. 2 is a primitive element for GF(8). This field is used in the computer display of Reed - Solomon codes.
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